Let's Look at the Special Exhibit

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the exposure of the Lucky Dragon No. 5 due to a hydrogen bomb test was Japan's third experience with radiation. Its victims were burdened with the fate of again showing us the enormity and horror of nuclear weapons. But this fate was unspeakably tragic. It transformed the lives of the crewmembers themselves and their family members, as well. Though they received encouragement and get-well cards from around the nation, they were eventually the targets of envy due to the token of people's sympathy they received. Some were forced to move away from their hometowns even as they continued to struggle with the aftereffects of radiation. By the end of 2004, 12 crewmembers had died. Eleven are still living, but most have serious liver damage. The survivors of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon No. 5 know in their bones that nuclear weapons steal from us what we treasure most. They have worked ceaselessly for the abolition of these weapons and a genuinely peaceful world. Each of us should think deeply about what we can do to make their wish come true.

List of Sources (honorifics omitted)
  Title page:Courtesy/
Daigo Fukuryu Maru Foundation
1. Collection/
US National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Daigo Fukuryu Maru Foundation   
2.Courtesy/ Mainichi Shimbun Campany
3.4.6-8.11-13.Courtesy/ Daigo Fukuryu Maru Foundation
5.Courtesy/ Asahi Shimbun Campany
9.Photo/ Hiromitsu Toyosaki

Itetsu Morishita

14.Donor/ Akijiro Yashima
15.Donor/ Tokuzo Iwamoto
16.Courtesy/ Chugoku Shimbun Company
17.Loan/ A-bomb Materials Preservation Association

Third Radiation Exposure -
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima

Encounter with a hydrogen bomb test
Lucky Dragon No. 5
"A-bomb tuna" and radioactive rain
Hydrogen test and Japanese scientists
Voices opposing A- and H- bombs
Damage to the Marshall Islands from nuclear tests
Preservation of the Lucky Dragon No. 5 and construction of an exhibition hall
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima
Tokyo Metropolitan Daigo Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall

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