Let's Look at the Special Exhibit

"A-bomb tuna" and radioactive rain
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 was not the only victim of the hydrogen bomb test. By the end of December 1954, 856 boats had been exposed to radiation from testing. Called "A-bomb tuna," roughly 490 tons of the fish caught by these boats had to be discarded. Around Japan, various people related to the fishing industry saw their sales fall and raised their voices in anger.
Around May, rain containing radioactive material began falling, intensifying the climate of fear in Japan.
In September, rain contaminated by Soviet nuclear tests began falling in the north of Japan, contaminating vegetables and well water.
5/Disposal of fish caught by the Lucky Dragon No. 5

Third Radiation Exposure -
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima

Encounter with a hydrogen bomb test
Lucky Dragon No. 5
"A-bomb tuna" and radioactive rain
Hydrogen test and Japanese scientists
Voices opposing A- and H- bombs
Damage to the Marshall Islands from nuclear tests
Preservation of the Lucky Dragon No. 5 and construction of an exhibition hall
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima
Tokyo Metropolitan Daigo Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall

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