Let's Look at the Special Exhibi

Damage to the Marshall Islands from nuclear tests
The United States conducted nuclear tests over the coral reel near Nam Island in the Bikini Atoll. These tests evidently contaminated the entire territory of the Marshall Islands. Exposed to "ashes of death" by the Bravo test, the residents of the Rongelap and Utirick atolls were removed from their islands by US military forces two or three days later. Nevertheless, they suffered thyroid gland disorders, abnormal pregnancies, and other ills. In 1957, the residents of Rongelap Atoll were allowed to return home, but the continuing high incidence of disease compelled them in 1985 to move of their own accord to Mejatto Island.

9/Inhabitants of Bikini Atoll and the Marshall Islands

Third Radiation Exposure -
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima

Encounter with a hydrogen bomb test
Lucky Dragon No. 5
"A-bomb tuna" and radioactive rain
Hydrogen test and Japanese scientists
Voices opposing A- and H- bombs
Damage to the Marshall Islands from nuclear tests
Preservation of the Lucky Dragon No. 5 and construction of an exhibition hall
The Lucky Dragon No. 5 and Hiroshima
Tokyo Metropolitan Daigo Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall

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