Let's look at the Special Exhibit
The powerful drive to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy, an urge born from suffering, has produced a wide variety of actions-prayer, giving to the future, communication.
By displaying and preserving materials that convey the A-bomb experience, by receiving dignitaries from overseas, and by serving as venue for public peace activities, the Peace Memorial Museum has helped to capture and create the city's history.
Last year, the museum handled 137 donations of A-bomb artifacts. Sixty years after the bombing, the museum sees no letup in the flow of materials, but the comments of the donors-"My parents treasured this object, but they are gone," or "When I am dead, no one will know where this came from"-poignantly reveal the aging of the bereaved family members.
The atomic bombing is not a thing of the past.
The tragedy could well be repeated.
As we lose the elders with the memories, the Peace Memorial Museum and future generations in Hiroshima will shoulder their mission-to keep nuclear weapons from ever being used again.

Rising from the Ruins -the Peace Memorial Museum and Hiroshima
1945-1954 Collecting Rubble on the Burnt Plain
1955-1974 Buildings Rising from the Ruins
1975-1990 A Place to Tell the A-bomb Story
1991 - Conveying the Spirit of Hiroshima to the World
Eyes of the World Visitors to Hiroshima
Museum Statistics
Sixty Years for Hiroshima
Preservation・Restoration・For Posterity


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